Welcome to edwardholets.com!

This site is devoted to making the creations/ravings of my mind available to the world. Here you will find information, source code, compiled binaries, etc. for many of the computing projects I am working on, as well as some A/V stuff that seems post worthy. You can also find out more about me, Edward Holets, and the things I do.


A new blog, a new start?

I have started a blog (blog.edwardholets.com). I hope to be better at updating it then I have been updating this site. Lets consider it a fresh start on me communicating with the world at large. - 01/27/2007

One Year of edwardholets.com

Just realized this page celebrated its one year anniversary on June 8th. Wow, one year. And still so little content. I will work on that, I promise. I have the stuff, just not the time to put it up. I've been considering adding a blog too. Though I don't like most blog software and don't feel like making my own right now. We shall see. - 06/22/2006

Added Some Photos

i've added a new photo gallery: Renn Fayre 2006. There were some really cool structures this year. The geodesic dome was amazing. Although the photos don't quite do it justice. I have some video I will post later on. Oh, and the Katamari (think: junk ball) is my project. - 05/08/2006

Changed Hosts

This weekend I moved the site from dinohost.com to dreamhost.com. Not that dinohost.com ever did anything bad to me, just dreamhost.com offers Ruby on Rails and dinohost.com does not. To celebrate I am going to post a bunch of new content tomorrow. - 05/08/2006

Photo Gallery and Content Negotiation

Took my old photo galleries and converted them to photo albums. These albums have been placed in a new photo gallery, which can now be accessed from the navigation menu. I also started using content negotiation across the whole site. Right now there isn't much in alternate content, but that will change. And now it can seemlessly. - 03/01/2006


Have been slow in coming. Sorry. I have been working on some iTunes share browsing juke box software. It's coming along well, and sooner then later I will post a beta version. It should run on almost any POSIX OS, plus Windows. I still have huge backlog of projects and hopefully several will go up today. - 01/10/2006

IE 6 CSS Issues

Apparently IE 6 only has marginal CSS2 compatibility and does not display transparency in PNGs properly. I have moved all images to JPG and corrected most of the CSS issues, so users with IE 6 should have a much better experience. All other browsers should be fine. - 01/10/2006

ListAnimate Posted

I have posted another project, ListAnimate, to the site. Its a program for animating CSV files of 2D points. I have also posted several example files for use with it. More projects are coming. - 08/17/2005

Project Listing Fixed

Hmm, I just noticed that the Sound Encoder project listing either got deleted or I forgot to add it to the database. Either way, its back and properly listed. I am going to try and get several more projects up today as well. Stay tuned. - 08/16/2005

Another Photo Gallery

I have posted pictures from my March trip to Eagle Creek/Benson Plateau. Soon I will put the galleries into an images page. For now, check out the new gallery here. - 07/17/2005